Zuch Sopocka Aura "Zuszek"
Photo: Lucia Drietomská
Born: Breeder: Owner:
21.2.2009 Aurelia Cieslicka Veronika Madžová
Grizzle Poland Slovakia
Dam: Sir:
LEGENDA Habenda URAL Resurgam
Photo: Renata Matysiak-Siery
Junior Champion of Slovak Republic
Champion of Slovak Republic
Grand Champion of Slovakia 2012
Junior East Winner 2010
Central-East European Junior Winner 2010
Central European Sighthound Winner 2010
Club Winner 2010
Specialty Winner 2010
East Winner 2011
Winner of Slovakia 2011
Best of King 2012
Victory Winner 2012
- Victory show 2012 - 18.02.2012 - Slovakia - Bratislava - Champion class - Excellent 1, 2x CAC, Victory Winner 2012, Best of King 2012 - Štefan Štefík (SK)
- 8th National Dog Show Winter of Slovakia 2011 - 11.09.2011 - Slovakia - Prešov - Champion class - Excellent 1, CAC, Winner of Slovakia 2011, BOB - Jaroslav Matyáš (SK)
- International Dog Show East Cup 2011 - 19.02.2011 - Slovakia - Prešov(Košice) - Intermediate class - Excellent 1, CAC, East Winner 2011 - Štefan Štefík (SK)
- International Dog Show Nitracanis - 21.11.2010 - Slovakia - Nitra - Open class - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB - Miroslav Guniš (SK)
- International Dog Show Nitracanis - 20.11.2010 - Slovakia - Nitra - Open class - Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
- Specialty Sighthound Show - 19.11.2010 - Slovakia - Nitra - Intermediate class - Excellent 1, CAC, Specialty Winner 2010, BOB - Doris Getzinger (A)
- Club Sighthound Show - 04.07.2010 - Slovakia - Topoľčianky - Intermediate class - Excellent 1, CAC, Club Winner 2010, BOB - G. Kostopoulos (GR)
- Central European Sighthound Show - 03.07.2010 - Slovakia - Topoľčianky - Intermediate class - Excellent 1, CAC, Central European Sighthound Winner 2010, BOB - Miklos Levente (HU)
- Central-East European Show Bratislava - 16.05.2010 - Slovakia - Bratislava - Junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC, Central-East European Junior Winner
- International Dog Show SpringDuoDanube Bratislava - 15.05.2010 - Slovakia - Bratislava - Junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC, Crufts qualification, BOB - Korózs András (HU)
- National Dog Show Nitracanis - 28.03.2010 - Slovakia - Nitra - Junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOB - Wieremiejczyk-Wierchowska Malgorzata (PL)
- International Dog Show East Cup - 21.02.2010 - Slovakia - Prešov - Junior class - Excellent 1, CAJC, BOB, Junior East Winner 2010 - Luis Catalan (PT)
Photo: Renáta Kmecová
Photo: Renáta Kmecová
Photo: Martin Sabol
Photo: Martin Krotil
Photo: Martin Sabol
Photo: delenimentum
Photo: Aura
Photo: Aura
Photo: Aura
Photo: Aura
Photo: Aura